TEKKEN 8 Aims to Usher in a New Generation of Fighters

TEKKEN 8 Aims to Usher in a New Generation of Fighters

New Players Might Stand a Chance

TEKKEN 8 Aims to Usher in a New Generation of Fighters

Fighting games are an intimidating genre to get involved in. Mortal Kombat 1, Street Fighter 6 and soon, TEKKEN 8 are the most recent and likely the most well-known, with many of us growing up as player two to an older sibling. At least, that is how I first got my start. But today, with the likes of streamers, YouTube and major tournaments housing some of the best players in the world, fighting games have become a lifestyle for many. It’s a tough crowd to please for players and developers.

Tekken 8 Aims To Usher In A New Generation Of Fighters

Bandai Namco knows this well. With the success of TEKKEN 7, there is a heavy weight on the developer’s shoulders to release a game that is as good as, if not better than, the last version.

Talking with TEKKEN 8 Game Director Kohei Ikeda, he touched on what goes into a new installment. “You wouldn’t believe the pressure, especially on me as a director. Because TEKKEN 7 was just so successful and bringing in a wide audience. We ended up selling, I think, closer to 11 million copies. So with each installment, we’re trying to do more and go above and beyond what we did before.”

He seemed to know that there is a huge audience waiting for the release of TEKKEN 8, and discussed how they are ensuring that they stay true to the fans, both hardcore and casual, while still leaving room for new players, “We’ve been lucky enough to have several opportunities to serve the game, both to the press and the fans in general. And on social media, it looks like, overall, the sentiments really positive. We’re feeling quite good going into launch.”

Tekken 8 Aims To Usher In A New Generation Of Fighters

TEKKEN 8 Producer Michael Murray added, “The pressure is incredible because of TEKKEN 7 because that game was just so well loved. And then, even in the meantime, we had the Netflix anime series, and I think we were just able to bring in a lot more people to the franchise during that TEKKEN 7 era.”

Sitting with the pair, I wanted to know if TEKKEN 8 was being developed more to please long-time franchise fans or newcomers. Murray commented, “To make sure that we still answer the expectations that everyone has been around since you know TEKKEN 3 or maybe even earlier than that, and at the same time please the newer fans that started with [TEKKEN] 7, is obviously a high hurdle but I think we’re doing a good job so far.”

Tekken 8 Aims To Usher In A New Generation Of Fighters

However, Murray also mentioned that the franchise is doing something different with this launch, “One thing in our favour is that TEKKEN has always been an arcade first title and then ported to console, so for 7 that meant that certain audiences in certain regions had to wait for a while until they could get their hands on the game, where this is the first time we’re going straight to console and PC. Everyone in the world is going to be in on the excitement from launch day, which I think will be a big difference this time.”

“Bringing TEKKEN 8 straight to consoles and PCs evens the playing field and makes the game more accessible to everyone, even the most casual players.”

But why would that make a difference? Well, arcades are a completely different experience. They are only available to some people, and they house a competitive group of players who treat fighting games like a lifestyle. Bringing TEKKEN 8 straight to consoles and PCs evens the playing field and makes the game more accessible to everyone, even the most casual players.

Having gone hands-on with TEKKEN 8 last week, I can see the thought and detail that has gone into the game. Bringing the franchise to the latest generation of consoles allows for stunning visuals, electric audio and online gameplay from day one. Bandai Namco knows that this also makes TEKKEN more approachable to the average gamer, too, so they have included mechanics and game modes that will help players new to the franchise or fighting games, in general, get involved. 

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The first thing new players will want to check out is Arcade Quest. This is a mode where you are an arcade gamer, exploring your journey to the TEKKEN World Tour as you rise through the ranks as a TEKKEN 8 player. Here, you will play through tutorials that help you really get a handle on how to play TEKKEN 8, and no, it isn’t just mashing buttons. You will gain a ton of practice playing against CPU players and move through learning the ins and outs of fighting step by step. 

What’s better, though, is that they have put systems in place that help you study your gameplay, learn from it, and grow as a player. This will help even the pro-level players, too. This is called Super Ghost Battle. You play against a CPU that uses AI learning to study your fighting style and mimic it. Not only will you get practice, but you will learn how to improve your skills. There is also a record and replay option so you can watch your fights back and learn from your mistakes. AI can even watch you battle and tell you where and how to improve. Technology is crazy. 

Tekken 8 Aims To Usher In A New Generation Of Fighters

If you take in all that Arcade Quest has to offer and you’re still struggling to master the art of fighting games, TEKKEN 8 has one last hail mary up its sleeve: Special Style. I won’t lie. This is for all the button mashers out there, myself included. In fights, you can turn this on, and it will not only bring up an on-screen keymap of sorts but also greatly simplify combos. Instead of pressing multiple buttons, you can stick to one repeatedly and still make a dent.

Personally, I think the hardcore players are going to have issues with Special Style, much like gamers who were against making the likes of Elden Ring easier for less-experienced players. But as a player who has nostalgic memories of fighting games from her childhood and someone who appreciates a good story (which TEKKEN 8 definitely has), I’m excited to see the team behind the game find ways to include players like me.

Tekken 8 Aims To Usher In A New Generation Of Fighters

TEKKEN 8 is making strides to bring in players new to the franchise and new to fighting games as a whole. Though we may see some upset gamers out there, I know there are many of us who will be grateful when they dive into TEKKEN 8 on January 26th, 2024.

Some more good news, on December 14th for PS5 and December 21st for Xbox Series X|S and Steam players TEKKEN 8 will have a playable demo available. So jump in and see some of these new systems in place for yourself!

Dayna Eileen
Dayna Eileen

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